Tips for a great hot yoga class

Harvard Study: Hot Yoga May Help Ease Depression

Come Prepared

We love new students and want you to have the best experience while visiting our studio. We ask first-time students to create an account profile PRIOR to coming for their first session. This saves us all time in getting you to class on time. Here is a link to MindBody to set that up.


Drink LOTS of water (32 oz. or more) before your hot yoga class — throughout the day, not at the last moment. You can add electrolytes to your water to help you replenish. We recommend Ultima Replenisher because it has no sugar and nothing artificial. Sold at the studio.


Be sure to fuel up with healthy foods but try not to eat at least 2 hours before hot yoga, so your body will have the opportunity to digest.

What to bring

  1. Water
  2. A large (bath) towel and yoga mat — you can rent one of our studio mats for $2.
  3. Comfortable clothes for afterwards and a towel (if you wish to shower)

In class

You will sweat! Wear loose and comfortable clothing. The room is heated to an average of 105 degrees. Once class begins, we ask you to remain in the room for the full session to the best of your ability. Listen to your body — it will let you know how to pace yourself.

Throughout the postures, toxins release from your body. If you feel dizzy or light-headed, the feeling will pass quickly. You can sip some water and lie on your back. This will help you to recover quickly, and not disturb fellow students. When you are ready, stand up and try again.

Please refrain from talking while in the hot yoga room. Many students like to meditate before and after class. Hot yoga is meant to be an oasis for you as well as your fellow students. Please enter and leave the hot yoga room quietly. There is no talking during class but sometimes moaning is unavoidable, as is laughter and sometimes tears.

After class

Take your time. Your reward is your relaxation — after concentration and effort throughout your hot yoga session. It’s important to have a final savasana (rest) before you leave the sanctuary of the studio. This will allow the body and mind have the chance to fully absorb what you have just done and bring in new energy for the rest of your day.

Studio Etiquette

These are a few simple things we can do to enhance each other’s yoga experience.

  • GIVE YOUR SELF PLENTY OF TIME TO ARRIVE TO THE STUDIO.  Studio doors will lock once class begins. You will not be able to join class if you arrive late.
  • The most important thing we can do is to be kind, loving and supportive of each other. Let’s allow this space to become the example of the way we want the world to be.
  • Please do your best to maintain silence in the yoga room before, during and afterwards.
  • Please No cell phones or Personal items in the yoga room. If there is something you are uncomfortable leaving in the cubbies, you are welcome to leave them up front with us.
  • Please try to be mindful of where you place your mat. If you are setting up in front of someone else make sure you are not blocking their view of the mirror. Be willing to move a little to one side or the other to make room for your fellow yogi.
  • If you are an experienced yogi, remember that you are the example. Be patient and understanding remember that as a new student it may take a little time to get the hang of things. We were all new yogi’s at some point.
  • Please stay in the room at least 2 minutes after the instructor leaves. The rest afterwards is your reward for all that hard work as well as the time where you are fully reaping the benefits both physically and mentally.
  • If you like doing additional stretches after class please allow those few moments of stillness after class so your fellow yogi’s are not disturbed.
  • Please spray your mat quietly, mop up any sweat on the floor and leave the room as quietly as you can.
  • Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns right here from the “contact” tab.  Better yet our entire staff is available to you with any questions you may have next time you are in for class.
  • We never forget that this is Your Yoga and we are here to support you in any way we can.

~ with love, from all of us at Hot Yoga Renton

We love new students

Please arrive 15 minutes early to your first hot yoga class. We can get you set up and comfortable before your session begins!

Clean, friendly, not as high pressure sales as some hot yoga places. I especially like that the motivational direction is all about health benefits rather than superficial looks. You will see all levels of skill and fitness and all body types can truly feel welcome and beautiful!